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import { PLMainAPI } from "paperlib-api/api";


Avaliable Methods


 * Registers a scraper extension. It will be shown in the context menu.
registerScraperExtension(extID: string, scrapers: {
    [id: string]: string;
}): Promise<void>;


 * Unregisters a scraper extension.
 * @param {string} extID - The ID of the extension.
unregisterScraperExtension(extID: string): Promise<void>;


 * Registers context menus form extensions.
 * @param extID - The id of the extension to register menus
 * @param items - The menu items to be registered
registerContextMenu(extID: string, items: {
    id: string;
    label: string;
}[]): void;


 * Registers context menus form extensions.
 * @param extID - The id of the extension to unregister menu items
unregisterContextMenu(extID: string): void;


Event IDCallback ValueDescription
dataContextMenuScrapeFromClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuScrapeFromClicked', value: scraperID}When Scrape From is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuOpenClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuOpenClicked'}When Open is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuShowInFinderClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuShowInFinderClicked'}When Show in Finder is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuEditClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuEditClicked'}When Edit is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuScrapeClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuScrapeClicked'}When Scrape is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuFuzzyScrapeClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuFuzzyScrapeClicked'}When Fuzzily Scrape is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuDeleteClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuDeleteClicked'}When Delete is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuFlagClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuFlagClicked'}When Flag is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuExportBibTexClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuExportBibTexClicked'}When Export BibTex is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuExportBibTexKeyClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuExportBibTexKeyClicked'}When Export BibTex Key is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuExportPlainTextClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuExportPlainTextClicked'}When Export Plain Text is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
dataContextMenuExportCSVClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuExportCSVClicked'}When Export CSV is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library
feedContextMenuAddToLibraryClicked{key: 'feedContextMenuAddToLibraryClicked'}When Add to Library is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the library
feedContextMenuToggleReadClicked{key: 'feedContextMenuToggleReadClicked'}When Toggle Read is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the library
sidebarContextMenuFeedRefreshClicked{key: 'sidebarContextMenuFeedRefreshClicked', value: {data: feedID}}When Refresh is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the sidebar
sidebarContextMenuEditClicked{key: 'sidebarContextMenuEditClicked', value: {data: id, type: Categorizer or Feed}}When Edit is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the sidebar
sidebarContextMenuColorClicked{key: 'sidebarContextMenuColorClicked', value: {data: id, type: Categorizer or Feed, color: color}}When Color is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the sidebar
sidebarContextMenuDeleteClicked{key: 'sidebarContextMenuDeleteClicked', value: {data: id, type: Categorizer or Feed}}When Delete is clicked in the context menu of a feed in the sidebar
supContextMenuDeleteClicked{key: 'supContextMenuDeleteClicked'}When Delete is clicked in the context menu of a supplementary file in the library
thumbnailContextMenuReplaceClicked{key: 'thumbnailContextMenuReplaceClicked'}When Replace is clicked in the context menu of a thumbnail in the library
thumbnailContextMenuRefreshClicked{key: 'thumbnailContextMenuRefreshClicked'}When Refresh is clicked in the context menu of a thumbnail in the library
linkToFolderClicked{key: 'linkToFolderClicked'}When Link to Folder is clicked in Quickpaste UI
dataContextMenuFromExtensionsClicked{ extID: string; itemID: string}When a context menu item from an extension is clicked
dataContextMenuExportBibItemClicked{key: 'dataContextMenuExportBibItemClicked'}When Export BibItem is clicked in the context menu of a paper in the library

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