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Service Events

Almost all services in the API are Eventable. This means that each service will emit some events at different times. Other code locations and processes can listen for corresponding event to execute their own code. For example, you can listen for changes in the user's selected paper, and then run your own methods, etc.

Listening to Events

The method to listen to events is on. It accepts two arguments, the first is the event name, and the second is the callback function. The arguments of the callback function are the arguments passed when the event is emitted.

import { PLAPI } from 'paperlib-api/api';

PLAPI.serviceName.on('event-id', (newValue: {key: string, value: any}) => {

The arguments received by the callback function are usually an object, which includes key and value fields. key is the event ID, and value is the corresponding new value.

You can register the same callback function for multiple events:

    ['event-id-1', 'event-id-2'],
    (newValue: {key: string, value: any}) => {

Here, the key field will help you determine which event was emitted.

In the callback of the event listener, please avoid floating promise. That is, if your callback function contains any AsyncFunction, please be sure to await or .catch the error exception. Because the error in the floating promise cannot be caught in Paperlib, it will cause the extension to crash:

// Never do this:
PLAPI.serviceName.on('event-id', (newValue: {key: string, value: any}) => {

async function asyncFunction() {
    throw new Error('error'); // This error will not be caught by Paperlib, and will cause the extension to crash.

Cancel Listening

Please note that you need to save the function returned by the on method so that you can cancel the listening when you don't need it.

const cancel = PLAPI.serviceName.on('event-id', (newValue: {key: string, value: any}) => {

// Cancel listening


For some services, we provide some aliases for on() function to make it easier to write code.

For example, in preferenceService, we provide a onChanged() method, which has the same effect as on(). It is just an alias.

Service Event List

Different services have different events. For the specific event list, please refer to the corresponding service documentation.

If the existing events cannot meet your needs, you can also submit an issue to us on Github, and we will consider adding new events.

Created by Future Scholars. Contact: