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UI Slots

In this article, we will introduce the UI slots that can be used and modified in Paperlib.

Slot in the Paper Details Panel

In the Paper Details Panel, we have three slots:

  • paperDetailsPanelSlot1: Under the publication date of the paper.
  • paperDetailsPanelSlot2: Under the rating of the paper.
  • paperDetailsPanelSlot3: Under the supplementary materials of the paper.

Slot in the Notification View

In the Notification View, we have one slot:

  • overlayNotifications: The notification that appears on the top of the screen.

To show the content in the slot, you need to update the overlay overlayNoticationShown = true:

PLAPI.uiStateService.setState({"overlayNoticationShown": true});

Slot Content

    title: string,
    content: string

Update Slot

        [id: string]: {
            title: string,
            content: string

id is the unique identifier of the content. If the id is already in the slot, the content will be updated. Otherwise, a new content will be added.

Delete Slot

PLAPI.uiSlotService.deleteSlotItem("paperDetailsPanelSlot1", <id>);

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